Monday, November 07, 2005

Jewish Terrorist Earl Krugel Bites It

It would appear that terrorists, particularly Jewish ones, don’t do so well in prison settings. Earl Krugel was the former west coast organizer of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), a racist Jewish supremacist organization that has been linked to several acts of murder and arson over the years. In 2001, Krugel and the JDL’s national leader Irv Rubin were arrested for conspiring to blow up an LA area mosque as well as the office of a Lebanese-American congressman. Krugel turned state’s evidence and managed to avoid prison until recently. After spending only three days at a federal prison in Arizona, he was beaten to death in the exercise yard with a concrete block. The prison officials are not releasing any statements until they’ve conducted an investigation, but the culprits are most likely members of the Aryan Brotherhood or perhaps the Nation of Islam. Irv Rubin met a similar fate in 2002. According to federal prison officials, Rubin slit his own throat with a razor and then threw himself over a cellblock railing to the floor eighteen feet below. And if you believe that one, I have some wonderful oceanfront property here in Missouri for sale.


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