Thursday, February 09, 2006

Muslims Take Themselves Far Too Seriously

The best thing that can be said of Christianity is that it’s not as bad as Islam.

-Fred Woodward

As much as I complain about the actions of the religious right in this country, I must admit that compared to radical Muslims, Christian fundamentalist come across as rather benign. For example, the sort-lived network television program “Book of Daniel” was considered by many Christians to portray Jesus and Christianity in general in a sacreligious way. So they proceeded to call for boycotts of the show’s advertisers and started a letter writing campaign directed at NBC. After three episodes, the show was cancelled partially as the result of the boycott, and partially due to viewer disinterest. End of story.

Compare this to the sh*t fit thrown by radical Muslims all over the world as the result of a few badly drawn cartoons that mocked the prophet Mohamed. Let’s not even talk about the embassy burnings in the Middle East. Western Europe is at this point infested with these barbarians, and extremely hostile protests were held throughout the region. Just check out this sign from a protester in London:

We should all be grateful that the number of jihadists residing in the U.S. is still relatively small. I hate to come across as religiously intolerant, but well, I’m religiously intolerant. I think these protests are only the most visible symptom of a sickness that infects the entire Muslim faith. This is after all a religion founded by a man who advocated military conquest as a means to spread his teachings. In many ways, Islam is the largest and most dangerous extremist movement on Earth. This is not to say that there are not many good, law-abiding, friendly Muslims out there. But to put things in perspective, a lot of the rank-and-file members of the Nazi Party were nice people too.

For a good run down of the latest atrocities committed by Muslims worldwide, check out the Western Resistance site. This is also a good piece from the National Review on how Muslims shouldn’t be too surprised that Westerners take a rather dim view of their religion.


Blogger Vincenzo Ferretti said...

I agree with you about the moslem barbarians in Europe. Now how do you feel about the rest of the non-whites who are turning Europe into a criminal, third-world gutter? How do you feel about the liberal politicians and activists who openly work to bastardize Europe while the white European birth rate is in the negative numbers. How do you feel about Germany paying Israel billions of Marks in blood money 60 years after WWII? In the "French" riots two months back, how many skinheads and neo-nazis did you see on the streets of Paris kicking ass? Would someone like yourself be willing to publish a few cartoons depicting jews as blood sucking parasites, and if you did, are you that naive to think you wouldn't pay a price for it? Blog on that if you have the guts and I'll be there to keep you honest.


6:19 PM  
Blogger Henry Garfield said...

The first series of questions you pose seem to be asking in a round about way if I am a white supremacist. The answer is no. Your second and more interesting query asks if I would ever post anti-Jewish cartoons. First off, you’re right that it’s a lot more acceptable in the U.S. to mock Muslims than it is to mock Jews. Probably has something to do with the fact that none of the 9/11 hijackers were Jewish. I would however print anti-Jewish cartoons (and take the flak for it) if said cartoons provoked a wave of Jewish riots that left scores dead and injured as well as several burned embassies. And that, ultimately, is my point here. I prefer civilization to savagery. The fact that Jews can take so much abuse and still react calmly is a mark of their sophistication.

1:51 AM  
Blogger Vincenzo Ferretti said...

Actually, my first series of questions were meant to find out if you are a multi-culturalist and a Zionist. Since you feel that any affirmation on your part of my opening points would mark you as a white supremicist tells me you don't want to touch that hot potato. Regarding the cartoon riots, we're in complete agreement, but did you know you can be imprisoned in Europe for even questioning the holocaust? Seems like the legal brief is not only more civilized but also deadlier to a European's civil liberties than impotent street rage in the streets of Karachi.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i have 2 points on this. firstly i think most of Europe's wealth has been made through colonial exploitation of 'third world nations' so people from these nations now have a genuine right to reap fruits of that wealth and turn Europe into a '3rd world gutter'
secondly, i think muslims are too stupid. the mechanism of war has changed, it is now no longer direct warfare but economic war which the christian world has mastered with the help of Jewish bankers and traders. education and self-development is the only way if Muslims ever hope to compete with Christians on anything. but muslims dont realise cannot win a 21st century war by following 14th century beliefs. their blind faith and hatred and jealousy will be the end of both them and the rest of the world

6:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i have 2 points on this. firstly i think most of Europe's wealth has been made through colonial exploitation of 'third world nations' so people from these nations now have a genuine right to reap fruits of that wealth and turn Europe into a '3rd world gutter'
secondly, i think muslims are too stupid. the mechanism of war has changed, it is now no longer direct warfare but economic war which the christian world has mastered with the help of Jewish bankers and traders. education and self-development is the only way if Muslims ever hope to compete with Christians on anything. but muslims dont realise cannot win a 21st century war by following 14th century beliefs. their blind faith and hatred and jealousy will be the end of both them and the rest of the world

6:48 AM  

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