Monday, March 03, 2008

In A Shocking Announcement, David Duke Declares He Will Not Support Barack Obama

In what must be a great letdown for Barack Obama, former KKK leader and noted white nationalist David Duke today declared that he in fact will not be supporting the senator in his bid to become the first black president of the United States. Duke notes that while many persons take Obama at his word when he says he can unite all Americans, “…does Obama really mean it? Or, is it just another lie in what must qualify as the most hypocritical profession on earth: politics.” Duke, a former state representative, as well as a past candidate for the US Senate and presidency, went on to state that: “Compelling evidence shows that Barack Obama is an Afro-American whose ultimate loyalty is not to ‘all the people of the United States,’ but primarily to his fellow African-Americans.” Duke is admirable in pointing out that we must reject candidates for public office who espouse openly racist rhetoric. He rightly implies that a candidate who preaches a vision of racial harmony and togetherness should receive a rousing statement of support from the public, regardless of that person’s race or creed. Indeed, David Duke’s past actions and statements reveal a person deeply concerned with creating a nation in which all persons are equally accepted and loved, regardless of their race, religion, or political viewpoint.


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